Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Best 1080p Upconverting Receiver
addition, in recent days did not even know people who have stopped to talk with me about silly things like snow but only books that makes believing in a world ma , s kind easier.
Believe ... It's amazing how things change in the people think. Or wishful thinking.
The world remains the same even if we change ...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Snowboard Flow Edinburgh
Yesterday afternoon I went to Barcelona Musical Theatre to see the musical Beauty and the Beast, my favorite Disney movie.
The musical began just fascinated me hit me really scared, because the first appearance of the Beast I was waiting rather good that I did not expect to do as he did. I also laughed a lot throughout the musical, mostly by two things over the beating he received Lefou all the time but in the end there if I laughed, and the second by Din Dong fights and Lumiere do not know because my fujoshi evil mind made me see things I should not see beyond it clear that reminded me each time the x Arthur Francis.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Ikusa Otome Suvia Vol.3
scribbling. I never knew that I draw like puppets (puppets monkey, of course). Also, I have really wanted to write something. I wish I sprouted an idea of an evening and leave me a nice relatillo. I like to give stories. Come to think of a few years ago I gave one to my current boyfriend by the face. Mmm ... I have to collect it.
My memory is terrible for a while. Before I remembered every detail, every important date, every sentence. He played at remembering them. Now ... I'm a mess. I
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
What Is The Best Vintage Stereo My boyfriend called analog
'm more stupid than there xD.
other hand, makes a medium Diaye Salony and returned the three (to my knowledge) that have succumbed to the flu (the stationary xD). The truth is that it has been agotardor although we have enjoyed a lot. I take a balanece Perosnalmente bastpositive to the four days, only clouded by fatigue, inevitable from start to finish because he had accumulated quite a week and the trip did not sleep hardly (chair never again!)
More I will summarize later more extensive (probably for days and short of things) that now I "lashed" my boyfriend to take me to level 13.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Is Hcv Cirrhosis Curable?
As I do not want to risk neglecting my recently released work trying to reach the quota of writing each day better and I try: (
But I thought it does not hurt to get a damn time to edit and display it. For which are not in history summarize. As with my first nano (which I was a half) I have relied on role playing gameswith my group. The first was a campaign of horror / mystery that I had, last year we played almost always, fantasy.
both the start of the campaign notes that these early games do not give many details. So I decided to stay on safe ground. Through what would be a diary, and the point of view, my character in these games. And I'd do it at least to some point in history, now we're playing, if it deserves more of a novel style.
course using a single character to tell what happens evidently confined to their own opinion, and less interesting. Especially the beginning, I've added the initial background of the character even before you meet
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Dragonball Doujinshi Online WAAAAAARP!
I love these pre-event periods by nervousness that runs between us. Some are still finishing our cosplays (Miwakou!!) While planning the meals, clothing, money, space, schedules ... I feel overactive, although unavoidable commitments are a pain study (Vickery, I fall ill, but after 30 pages in English is not my best friend).
going to be an intense couple of days (always take time for this sort of thing), but this year I'm going to take more calmly as the fate of the universe does not dependand of my skill with the needle xD. See if I'm going to take it slow I'll leave for another time the bag of Happy Berry wanted to take a complement ... Luckily
asked curro holidays this week, because I want to enjoy the wait, nerves and the desire to catch and train to Barcelona.
As noted last year ended up burdened, huh? Because it's time again to enjoy this nonsense. We still pick up a pantaóny me two shirts (and cosplay, of course xD) and I stand in the hall difrutar.
Because finally, after all it's about having fun with people, to gather the Axis is a pocor complicated.
And you know, first of all be happy, my friend!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Ewcm 4 Days Before Period? alice_buttercup @ 2009-10-22T23:24:00
little time! Tomorrow touches face session (it takes seven hours of class) and I have yet to make my cosplay for the living room (thanks for the help, breast) and check my lord boyfriend, to be Finally, although will not get & iacutee; convince him that were holding swords.
And in one week we on holiday in the room! What we all want, that between July and September have not enjoyed anything (well, computer if they are pros). The Axis will reconvene from August (Zerit, how far are you, beautiful) and many can not wait. The truth is that it is comforting to have such a nice group of friends. And comforting me falls short.
The other day I thought that I am a somewhat strange because I am essentially social, that is, I need to feel that pemanezco a group and feel comfortable in it, yet I'm quite shy . Ground to fearmess up and often play without realizing diplomacy and in trying to get along with people and be liked all contradictions occur between who I am and who people see. Soil
worry too much about who I am. I have the hope that the day I know frutrada Sejar to feel sad or useless (or three). Do not consider myself a particularly pessimistic, but I have my moments. What most infuriates me is that objectively I'm lucky in all or almost all aspects of my life and I get frustrated and do not understand why, because I have no right to complain.
The fact is that some things should be refined. Heh, I've been saying this for years. In mldefense some will say that polishing alone is a matter of experience.
As always I start writing, I have a thousand things to tell, but the article is already quite long and I have to prepare things for tomorrow. And as always, a pleasure.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
How Do You Get A Police Suit In Poptropica Agora
did not want to continue passing the opportunity to recommend a site again that the veais. On Friday I went to the movies, with great fear, precisely because it had a lot of waiting and was eager to see it. Exit disappointed it was easy. Luckily it was not. Both me as the friend who accompanied me, we loved it. You could say pcourtyards. Others speak of mediocrity without saying how or why. The only ones I have seen more serious and impartial speak of is a cold film that does not thrill. Some say he's bored.
For my part I can say I do not care about the money spent on it, I never bother to know that cost the movies I'll see. I have nothing for or against the director, and generally pay more attention to soil actors in principal to decide. And as for her coldness and lack of emotion ... I do not know you need to tell those who moved. More dramatic intensity would have seemed unnecessary, and I feel strong enough by itself. And thank you deeply when in scenes of violence, the camera zooms and distance
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Fungal Infections Foot -athletes -foot
This weekend has been shorter but not that bad at least during the day, the nights have been the worst-___-I'm really getting tired of several things and replantenadome others, partly because I think it would be better.
Better not think about that now is not good ^ ^ Also we should start the week with energy and spirit that on Friday a new acquisition & amp; gt; O \u0026lt;be agreed to take the money to buy the game, but I'll see if I can play because TOT things I have accumulated half the Dissidia: Final Fantasy, I just started Professor Layton and Pandora's box; and I have to buy the new DS Kingdom Hearts. Many games and soon-___-I want more free time T ^ T but nothing until December and then to study how God intended for the "two" final exams. That seems distant and close this = _ =
Luckily at that time also well good things like the third and final season of Nodame Cantabile anime and movie Hetalia * O * Speaking of Hetalia
, every day I am more flawed to the series and I can officially say that my favorite characters are Kirk Arthur
Friday, September 25, 2009
Telecomanda Logik Lcx27wn2
XD But I do not think that explain why xD
Hetalia who has seen only can more or less understand xD
Today is my second day of the first bridge I'll have this semester, I me to stay another bridge or I think, but luckily good in this XD I can scratch my belly and so far more or less what I did yesterday ^ ^
rascarmela belly more than me despair a little-__-Sort Results in order over 2000 avatars is killer, but it is what you have when you catch a lot.
Today I spent watching the first season of Clannad anime, which anime T ^ T often made me mourn twice and almost a third, but it is beautiful and the relationship between the protagonists * w * that if a relationship bonite and well-equipped and not the last I saw
Ains ¬ ¬ I heard today when I finished one of my favorite series T ^ T and will be the October 10-___-but before I finish another day September 30 or at least that is what it is supposed, because it is where I read that it was not but he had one more chapter.
De vices I still have the usual, going to Hetalia is that this series is the most XD I never laughed so hard with a number, plus the characters are all a charm> O \u0026lt;
Here is a video I found a few days ago ^ ^
Not much more to tell at the moment, only that I still hold a folder of images, read several little things that I am reallyndo to accumulate and write as many, which I have to try to do in the two days I have left-__-XD
I say goodbye Bye bye!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
How To Restain A Coffee Table
Thursday dogged me XD me and my stubbornness to pull me 684 pages in one day, but my wrist got the bill for hair and elbow followed. I believe that never again do something like that XD But God is that they were images of Gilbert (Prussia) and now here I leave one of those pictures:
But of course that does not end the ordeal xD no no no XD Among the images that Gilbert was finding where I found a wonderful out with Arthur (England), which surprise surprise I found I love the pictures and half down with the couple xD but ended in nothing but also found some very nice pictures and that
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Levitra Expiration Date
Although this blog started as a small personal search for self, events made me leave that issue very little parked and I realized that I'm still a bit amnesiac as myself concerns. Before Pibor me as a person who has little or nothing to do with who I am (or think I am) today. Not that I'm adisguto myself (I do not hate and paranoia as well), but I'm not completely satisfied. I am a human being and as such there are thingssion in the projects I undertake, in my career to the next cosplay, and above all and more balanced and stabilized me: love.
I be able to meet that person that lives in me? Can I rebuild a world like metaaaal solid foundation and grow from there? After exams we speak ^ ^
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Famous Quote If I Had Wheels Video of Prussia - Gilbert
xD Nothing just wanted to upload this video of Gilbert Hetalia> O \u0026lt;
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Pokemon Soul Silver How To Migrate Morgana Le morte (
During that time the said piece of furniture has been on one side of the room holding what pouncing on her. Which for the most part used to be almbúms photo, even more veterans than the furniture itself. But nothing lasts forever at the end of many years of service, the conglomerate said it arrived there. And it has been as shown in the photo
course and not take any of their cargo room
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Difference Between Genital Acne And Herpes Lady Pavorreal
Xana, my love, I LOVE YOU ... you're the most, give the mother the pain, life goes on ... remember that always, I'm always here if you need me ...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Why Do I Tan All The Time Afraid
No. In my memories will always be emblazoned everything that happened this year. We all suffered and inflicted. I know the world will never apologize for what happened, but I can say I really tried, over and overé a coward, but I think everyone must carry their own weight. So I do not want to depend on anyone. Just does not seem fair.
But there really is justice in this world? If I had I would surely burn in hell, at least one season. And yet in some ways I also had to pay a toll pretty fucking ...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
What Size Hex Do I Need To Change A Harddrive Changes ...
And, I start to repeat as garlic ^ ^
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I-catcher Console – Web Monitorfarm Mr Smith goes to Whasington
The other thing that struck me is that, children. Not only because it is clear that even take to the Bill of Rightsof children, leaving many children working. In the same Capitol is a real gang of pages (they call them directly as well) that must be around only 10 or 12 years. That now call child abuse.
Although this is not what struck me most at first. Jimmy's character is an honest and innocent man very concerned about the education of new generations, literally (because it is) a boy scout. But it is more than clear that these new generations and their training relates exclusively to the children, girls? What girls? just leave a few in the family of the governor. In the rest of the scenes where they want to present as children and young people look up to Mr Smith are only and exclusively children, some of them
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Dragon Ball Z Doujin Chi Chi Love and Hate
Who knows where our desires take us ...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Manfrotto Slik Pro 700dx Leg
Although I've actually started summer vacation. Last Monday the exams, and leaving the dreaded end accounting review. That
clear, as I stop by here so no you do not know I started accounting tutorial to try out and not to repeat the course for the third time-_-It would be very sad but true. The fact is that all my conflicted class was the same place so the atmosphere was not very suitable. However got to get the third quarter of accounting. Although I still had the previous two.
And then came the third high evaluation of Human Resources and was a total disaster. Did well in the past and the third went downhill without brakes. The fact is that to make matters worse I Resource recovery coincided with the examination of the slope I'm in college, so I asked to trade him and I put it on Wednesday .... or so I thought to see understood me. Because then I did doubt have misunderstood the date and for a moment thought he had lost his last chance to recover and introducing me to have to go to September .... luckily had understood correctly, and it was on Wednesday.
That if approved, because that is another. If you fail you have no option accounting to accounting. They are so in guais.
But No
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Where Can I Find A Army Bathing Suit
I've always been very satisfied with my status Gordibuena, really I'm not complaining, I like my body, I'm leafy, big ass and I'm so dwarf as a buffer pool . I've always been the body chaparrita grapes. And God knows that I love you so molesta.Yo me as I am. But ...
It also appears that my fasting glucose is in 150 Mg. / DL. Which puts me in a state of prediabetes to say not very good. Typically 70 - 100, so I'm a little above. I did a study of body composition and it is that I have a 37% body fat, turnip because normal is 21%.
So good, and could not be postponed again, and more for cosmetic health issue ... well okay, hahaha aesthetic also today I started my diet , I went to a nutritionist and a doctor who will be giving me weekly monitoring. Weight 68 Kg
Wish me luck because I am a calamity in terms of eating habits, I can not stop eating mugrerito andlike every time I eat out of the navel, fucked ... but at the rate of willpower, discipline and stubbornness some hope that this project succeed.
I hope you do not get too boobs Xana because if I do not want to go hahahahaa
health because all my select group of readers. XD loved by Miguelito Sépanse
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Akiba Online Let Do It At
addition since my last post was birthday psyche, which I have not welcomed as God intended more than anything because I've been having an affair (although that's no excuse, cuqui sorry; _;) and because, as I had to do bag, look for the passport, look at me not to forget anything and fight with everything else, well ... I have not even done a decent birthday gift. FORGIVE ME-CHI CHISYes!!
But what was ... the fact is that ... it's always the same ... you know the series "My Name is Earl" ... the fact is that it looks like the Karma touches me noses and whenever I have good times ... I have a streak of the blue super chunga so I ruin all good.
And that's what came to tell ... because it is not the oven to make travel guais chronicles the "planet finiti" So all this after the cut.
Let's see ... I went to Istanbul, leaving here the stress of exams, I have one on Monday (tomorrow) Accounting, my family and hoping to relax. I went with my mother and me relax. Four great days where I enjoyed as a dwarf and seeGive it inspire me and have been, because I've never had so many ideas for fics in the head in so long.
But .... there are always buts. Returning
seems to me a crowd gathered around there.
Yesterday I gave my grandmother did not know milonga "retired the year" and the council and we bundled. From that I was eager to go because I had to study for the test (because on Friday should have gone to particular class but although I went to my time the teacher was not there something very strange happened there that still do not know exactly what has happened ...) but still made an appearance in spite of me with my grandmother did not take me as well as it should take. I watched as he gave the plate, then ate allor returned home. Ahi
came part of the problem. We have a bar and not closed yesterday. We left him by cousins and friends of the family and when I came back to help them and clear as we also take the pilgrims' hostel for pilgrims had for dinner 4. What was the problem? I do not cook. And to deny it the kitchen where they are four things and counting. And my mother had just returned from the milonga that the draw of San Isidro, who had not served there for nothing and clear ... I was more trouble than anything for those who were there eating up all the brown rather than by my and they so hot dogs out there partying.
and angry. It would be irrational, selfish and all they want but I think that's logical. ValeThe bar is a slave and everything they want but it is YOURS so that screw them and go through with them with no problems that others above them a favor they struggle with things like that. You had people who had other commitments.
I felt so bad that they answer wrong, I enfurruñey or spoke to them when they finally appeared in the last minute. Of course, as always they are right and I wrong. I'm always the rare and which are enclosed in the hills (my room because it is on the second floor) and others, but even so much that I screwed up yesterday. Both
today I have not even gone down to breakfast or lunch and I do not think has come down to dinner. It's bullshit because ultimately you do not like sohollow always messes up everything.
The Karma said ... punish me whenever I have something good. I travel to Istanbul and I spent four days well ... in less than four and I have a horse depression again and leave more stress than when I left ... I HATE YOU KARMA ¬ ¬.
In other matters the most fun ... I have been advised that Merlin opening today in Antena 3 at 22.15 pm. Can it be true? I thought they would wait until the summer. So little reception was "The Girl From Yesterday"? Much better for me but fuck me take the start in the middle of the exam ¬ ¬ And I have a test tomorrow but when bucking!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Brain Cancer And Ski Wax "If something can go wrong will go wrong"
Interestingly, KISS sounded great in the moment and until I started dancing while walking. I also heard of Whip It! Devo once you get to the bus stop. After
began to give me not
of Fangoria and got re good humor, while singing gaily - & active, was a rabbit.
ADPA not me, Uo Uooooo, which makes me fly
As a volcano becomes
do not know what you give me As Dr. Jekyll turns into Hyde do not know what you give me
MLXC A subject rarely gets too close, to which I retreat, and see that his mouth moves but as I was singing not heard. I took off my headset and said
- If you cry you pick.
Until that moment I fell on the twentieth of that I was assaulted. The man broughta knife in his hand. And I panicked. I started screaming like little girl and I said please do not hurt me. I fit the backpack.
have you got there?
- For háblate morrita! Where bring the wool?
- I bring.
where's the money?
"Do not bring!
And then he realized. My beautiful bag stirrups and elastic cammo patterned red mark MONSTER 666 "
"!!!! CRYYYYYY T_T !!!!!
That tRaes there?
* I put the knife in the abdomen * -Give it to me!
- $ 500 cash.
"My card BanCoppel
" My credentials
My sister brings me $ 100 to move and eat, spend $ 40 in trinkets, I had a currency of $ 10 and $ 50 note. I sub & a TMLXC saw the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"? As part of the lot of unfortunate things that end in a tragic .... Something did. For something I could not sleep, something I could not find the table, something I saw the rabbit spend twice ...
If I had fallen asleep 10 minutes but as always, if I had stayed up to find the table, or if had gone to investigate whether rabbit was the first time that happened, there would have been there at that place when I was and I had not been what happened to me ...
Monday, May 4, 2009
How To Install Mount And Blade Mods On Xp Analysis
sort the objects that fell from the bag and stop at each one of them taking stock of each notch or rayon, looking for the reason, something to give me a clue who I am. The purse (no portfolio) with a Cheshire cat has small bite marks in some animal. Inside is a note, a few pennies, a calendar,
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Coptic Orthodox Hymns Experiment
I snuggled between the covers, waiting. I like the feeling, it's like to escape the world for a while. Time passes and the radio starts to sound. Music. I like how it sounds, it relaxes me ...
light slips through the cracks of the shutter down. It reminds me that it's daytime, but not specify which day you know. My status & Overhaulyou; wizard shrinks to a twinge of pain. Why do not recognize anything? Who am I supposed to?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tender Cervix Menstruation
Think about what you think always end up thinking the same thing, and specifically in the same person. Neuro She could not get to the head, because although he denied it missed him a lot, its way of being, your comments, even your "small" torture. He had become so accustomed to the lifestyle Elya that room
Sunday, April 19, 2009
After Anorexia Should You Have Alot Of Milk
✖ Mario. ✖
Lore. ✖
✖ paint my hair. ✖
Chocolate. ✖
Sleep until it can no more.
✖ Reggaeton. ✖
Living so click away from everything. ✖
not to mourn with emotion.
✖ Because we require 32-hour guard duty with so many students in college. ✖
The thinking of my father and mother of Mario. ✖
Because I always end up mixing with people who are not worth a shit.
✖ People presumptuous. ✖
The pend✖ MLXC
Go to Wacken Open Air with Mario.
Spell ✖ ((otra!! Hahaha)) ✖
write with big words xD. ✖
anti Dar!
Shouter. ✖
Dwarf. ✖
[3 THINGS LOOK characterizing MI] CH✖
Simon! ✖
I have dream. (Waaaay too often)
✖ My imaginary!
✖ Mario. ✖
Vince. ✖
A Nallely.
✖ A lap dance and these rolls. ✖
A biking. ✖
The word "hulk". ✖
phrases from The Simpsons that we shoot each other Mario and me.
The boobies in a lace bra. ✖
photos of girls in bondage and rubber. ✖
Languages suggestive;)
The song "Black Diamond" Stratovarius. ✖
Xana's voice on the radio ...
Spanking ✖
✖ groping under the table.
Hard-on's while watching TV.
In my room in Monterrey. ✖ XC
And, I think.
in school grounds. ✖
in an airplane. ✖
Xana in the bed: D hahahahaha
✖ My disks (and lost several of it.) ✖
My notes. ✖
My toys (they're collectible! And Exxx stayed with my Shandris Feathermoon xP) CHTM LXC [3 CLOTHING you wake LIBIDO]
✖ skirts pictures. ✖
leather pants. ✖
Clothing network or spandex.
✖ Juliette. ✖
Extraordinary Stories. ✖
Snakes and Earrings.
✖ That notomorrow, I will not return to school. ✖
That my fat had been to bed = (.
✖ That morning the truck go early and not late for school.
✖ My writings on my old computer.
✖ My Shandris Feathermoon
✖ ... The Darth Vader poster autographed by Peter Mayhew.
Nothing Else Matters - Metallica
✖ Far Away - Nickelback. ✖
Fantasia - Stratovarius. ♥
✖ Jealousy. ✖
Believing that they have you "safe." [3 DISEASES THAT HAVE HAD]
Appendicitis. C✖ HTMLXC Tonsillitis (about 3 times per year)
✖ Sinusitis.
Antonio Craviotto. ✖
Idina Menzel.
✖ Marilyn Manson.
[3 things that make you angry]
That I canceled last minute. ✖
to yell at me for no reason. ✖
That catches up with me because of problems with others.
✖ Mourn in the car of a friend, then forget his name. ✖
Falling asleep at the table of India, who dragged me out and then vomit next to a hot dog cart. ✖
nipple piercing Teach my friends, obviously I saw the whole package.
✖ as maniacal scream. ✖
✖ Go to so-called community. ✖
Studying for my review of ER ✖
Go to Mario's house.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Leather Mistress Story
also was to thank darkkaya for the beautiful header with matching avatar Merlin supported by the branch of a tree with that mischievous look that makes unhealthy thoughts come to my head and that a fic that started (as all I have) gather strength in my mind and start to have a beginning (because the end is in fact the truth LOL) GOD! that pose!
not it impossible not to look and requetemirarle!?
In case anyone is wondering the & a
Monday, March 30, 2009
Is Blue Ray Upscale Better Than Dvd Upscale
Well, at this stage of the game for many (if not for anyone) is no secret that I like women. Simon, I'm bisexual, half tortilla, hitting pa 'the two sides, shooting Pa'l Monte, crawling at night, however you want to call my condition.
But look not just a matter of like me and you, as if you liked a pair of shoes or a box. No, the thing is deeper. And this is the result of those talks yourself night before you run deep jeton, and the nosy tambiéna who was investigating the alien sexualities / sangrecoagulada (second mention in my blog, wow) hahaha.
CSunday, March 29, 2009
How Can A Computer Detect My Web Cam
come the blessed holiday! I paint my room.
Life is a Lemon, and I want my Moooooooney Baaaaack! (8) Chala la la la (8)
How much wisdom in the words of Meat Loaf! Err., Sorry, I started singing haha
Dear Grandparents: If I have seen 12 times in my life have been many, and they are my grandparents because it says my birth certificate, other than that, I have not seen any details from you, I never received a call on my birthday of his hand and MLXC
But I think I disperse them is fun to imagine ah tomatoes.
I send you a
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Recommended For Anonymity A post hateful.
full Forgot my little internetero underworld, with the pain of my heart, the medical school and hospital are sucking me in a way that neither I expected it, but I really do not want to be complaining this, because that's what I chose.
Well, I have a wonderful boyfriend who supports me in everything. And that's all.
I hate being told what to do.
Fuck I hate about my hair.
hate to make comments about me. Hate
hear the shit I see every day on TV. Hate
kiss Mario when he ate salsa.
hate the new house for all the farts that has brought us.
I hate my mother sister worth what happens in the family.
hate to be the emotional pillar.
hate it because of my pediatrics rotation, I are like babies.
hate being afraid of the future.
hate Mario's family have opinions as closed.
hate my mom can not manage.
hate the food in the hospital cafeteria.
hate that everyone wants to see Watchmen.
stress hives hate to leave me in the legs.
Mario hate to see only once a week.
hate seeing my ex in the school.
learned that I hate them and I did not miss them if.
hate always being sleepy.
hate not knowing what to do social service.
CHFriday, March 20, 2009
Pokemon Indigo Where To Find Leafeon
And on Thursday, after a grueling class Deportivo Protocol (exhausting because there quiz), scroll down to Skynet where the purchase had already prepared me (so glad to go shopping xD) and then we went to see the last conference of the Congress because it was the only one we agreed. The Japanese food. It was fun, but seeing so much food whets the appetite xD The woman who talked about the food was typical of the Japanese, they usually eat each day and how they prepare, to give us the recet to prepare sushi at home! (I hope you remember Ruben enjoy myself because it was he who was aiming at all xD). Then another chef who was there instead of doing another talk he did was like an interview to the Japanese as a bit of "culture shock" transition into the most common FAQ that was more pleasant and others. The truth is that it was interesting and had its funny moments like when the Japanese mention that all the "sushi man" had the same hairstyle for the cook, the up front part of the fringe lifted upward barrier plan. The laugh was general xD And to say that as was the last conference was the auditorium of the historic building, which was where they celebratedCongress, to the flag. Why? Why the lectures were interesting? If that too but no. Why was the last day? Nooooo Because then had free food!
If, after giving a cocktail of sushi to the exit. Sushi consisting mainly of various kinds. I hope not mistaken in saying that he had sushi vegetable enrrolado algae, also the algae that is funky but not xD algae, and ultimately, leading up raw fish and between fish and rice wasabi. I love the wasabi but Ruben does not and what happened had to happen. * Ruben grab the sushi with chopsticks *
The sushi has wasabi. * Spend
bites me and sushi. Empyour can starts to skipping when it encounters the wasabi *
Take wasabi. * Trying to catch your breath *
what you just said. * Look *
circumstances also mean that the wasabi, soy sauce and ginger (or xD is written) was the only thing that remained in the trays xD And they also had a Japanese beer to accompany your meal. The truth is it was all very rich
^ ^ Ah! and you know I saw Japanese bishonen, all very cute and worthy photo shoot ... but it was very cheeky so no photos, sorry xD But it was sooo cute xD xD you should know it and I think we on TV because xD went about recording
And nothing more to tell me far exceeds co ...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Install The Sims 2 Double Deluxe Without Cd I'm not missing!
say that February was stressful one month and that March is going the same way. Among notable things well in spots:
"I have a sprained knee on which I fell back in December when I fainted in the shower. Yes, I realize now that I had ... I am so pie. On Monday, the physio and how it does not heal, orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday.
"I'll have to stop writing, yes, even more. As little update fics now I'm going to leave even less because of course ... or study and approve accountingVale
figurine .... I had seeing about four months in the shop and on Friday I saw in the window and was calling me and I could not resist and also was the last and one is not clear ... stone. I also bought a stuffed Ouran, the very monkey Kyouya, but photos that have not done yet (although I'm going to put the entire collection after glancing out: P) but not the same.
But this .... this was calling me with his red suit and the look of bullies, his bag packed and carbon (because this does not give away toys xD), your hat, your cabezon .... we could not help it. ... KYAAAA !!!!! Call me
fangirl, this time I was.
..... But is not it cute? *.*
CHor counted, although we have not agreed on the matter xD) that had the Another Note, the novel, because when he went to England last year it had bought in an attack on my own more geek than yours xD
So yesterday ... I could make this beautiful picture before placing Another note on my bedside table is the first in the stack of books to read.
Although I have the English pretty rusty (enough is longggg euphemism) I hope to find out a little something. I have read the summaries rulando those who walk the net and such, but get my hands on the English version is infinitely better. Japanese man and have the cane would be the Japanese, but as I best not ask ranker zero miracles. At least so I kill the monkey while Glenat out for this year The Salon How to read the Note and the other Another novel that they said (whose name is not what it is, forgive my ignorance), it was time.
Well now to end this interminable post I put the picture of what they hide under the bed, that despite how bad it sounds LOL, do not hide lint or weird stuff (well the yaoi if you can consider a rare thing) but sleeves . The first picture is the collection bag to December 2, 2008.
As we can see there is enough background xD Pal is more but did not fit in the frame of the photo. The following picture is the bag collection as of Sunday, March 14, 2009 and I must say that they are not all. The Shojo termine are not here, take them out and got into a box, but partly because I managed xD
differences are appreciated, right? There is much truth in Glenat shonen xD It's out there I've taken all the shojo finished and I left him alone so even collect to take up not much but I was starting to run out of space * drop * Well, and as a bonus you will put in the shojo the other box that you see all that I had to pull I've filled a whole box of these that are used for clothing normally xD.
propose a game if anyone is bored xD Let's see who is to guess more series looking at the pictures. This time you have three photos to try. Is triple port
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Homemade Water Fountain Ideas Count series
- Cold Case 6x15
started slowly but eventually reached the emission rate Yankee (
the last season I've seen original
-Criminal Minds 4x15
on 16 fall very soon: D
-Fringe 1x14
knew it by accident before Christmas and I was hooked
- House 5x16 17
the safest thing to see it tonight
- How I Met Your Mother 4x15
thirteenth centuries had me talking about the series and gave me febr to the 3 rd,whole saw me and I find the rest, emission rate reached
have to wait
- Medium 5x04
I almost had started firing again, but I've almost caught up soon
There are others that I see more or less interest, but I have now more neglected, CSI, Dexter, Heroes, Lost, Life on Mars, Supernatural ... etc
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Kate's Playground Look-alike
And the rest ... yesterday just outside the exam as I had time before catching the train I pass by the store for a bag to which he was responsible (to see my best friend, best known as the store clerk. Nekoi you know it xD It's quand sold the comic will not hide from the room Dorianne manga Bcn xD Another thing is that you remember it)
to stop by my library then usual, which is the shop next door xD, to spend a hour watching to see that my father bought her for Valentine's Day (it's called xD Valentin the only one in my house to celebrate the saint, lucky xD) At the end after spend 15 minutes looking at the shelf I took a book that "shells" (there is that word?) the lyrics to the songs of Bruce Springsteen that he likes a lot ... even taking into account the low acceptance of the gift of kings (two discs Bruce: Magic and a Japanese edition that found direct obliquely in Fnac) if not I'll start to stop buying anything ... is that it's mooand hit hard with this guy, ais.
Well, after watching it, then finish in the paperback section, and crashes with Paul Auster xD xD My new fetish I bought "The Palace of the Moon", "Oracle Night" and " , The New York Trilogy "for a company that might make him" Brooklyn Follies "(which incidentally cost me find it ¬ ¬) and I also bought one of Haruki Murakami:" Tokyo Blues " as Nekoi not stop talking about it ... to see that this ... also saw "After Dark" and the synopsis I liked but it was not pocket so that if tomorrow passage through the library (which you leave the consideration bemost likely to xD) cogo matter what ... depends on how out of mind xD
My way to cure the depression caused by the tests is to buy books .... so this is not my room ... and enter my nightstand accumulate
xD And after this post my stress fruit jam and coffee with milk and Bayleys to take before I get to do the work that came back from school to otrooo review (hence the paranoia chronic) for I'll stick with my own.
PSD: A SPN fans .... Irati has done it again ... the Winchester super fic ... with spoilers for the fourth and his vision of how the season ended so perfect that it almost makes I cried like a baby. Something that if gore, but whatever. Com
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Cover Letter For Future Shop
What happened was that among other things my parents looked at me weird because it looked like a mad minute was so happy in life and the other was faded (logical, it seemed that he was bipolar * drop *) and my grandmother my kidneys because in the end ... sheand, or rather was, quite proud of my hair half back but now I hate it. Not right now ... is how I cover the face, like I do not know ... I hate no more. It's irrational but I feel this way and I cut it. Saneamos step so that never hurts xD
While I recognize that the cut would be very big time, or whatever ... I'm pensnado in the jaw length hair so serious as to remove all the hair. Yes, it would cut a little coarse but I think I need a radical change. He asks the body or something. Even then I have stage ... I look I see your hair ... so pretty ... and gives me little pain ... but then I hate xD Remiro and not ... I think every time I'm more bipolar.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Signs Of Heart Attacks
click guilty I feel good, though perhaps no reason to feel that way.
As if we did not have enough problems with the wave of school, work and the bank, they treat me like a little boy of 15 years.
As if enough did not help for your home, your family, school fights, and because they say, putting up with me and my tantrums, that he still pulled it out to get to sleep ¨ no ¨.
Please, as if he walked by asking what he does or with whom you do, do not get help from anyone, not asking for anything, which is what has thedegree alone ... do not understand why the desire to pounding her life.
But I love him and I have to lift when I need it. I have to support as you need it. And I have to hug when you need just a shoulder to mourn.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
How To Avoid Bittergent A few days to go ...
I have my Xana, Julio, Oscar, Karo .... Love could hide behind the screen of my lap top.
I love you, guys ....
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Dove Posso Scaricare Sony Vegas Congratulations caitooooo
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Teach Me How To Strip Balance
I passed directly to the L-cut, and the points here, so best:
-La back to class well. I'm focused. Too much for me. I go early to bed, do homework, study, get up on time. I'm unrecognizable.
"I had to go to the doctor on Tuesday and 13. Man ... the date was bringing ... the fact that he was visiting the psychiatrist as well ... all good ... luckily in the end only increase the dosage ... well for now.
Speaking of medication ... I think I'm doing well ... help me ... yet ... except with the nails ... I still can not stop eating them ... but hey! and I have not started smoking again (you can breathe easy, I made some vice)
"My inspiration is a bitch ... noEST accounting or Iberian ham giving xD) ... so ... we have happy teachers on one hand and "happy" with another.
"Yesterday was the first Friday that I did the routine practiced for a month to go to lunch with my friend Ruben Oviedo and then go there to buy the mall (stop shop geek required) and is joooo misses ... but because I could not go higher.
"What brings us a. .. I have the flu since 19 December last year! I do not look or normal environment. It seemed that I had removed before New Year's Eve but apparently resurfaced in the new year and then to class before I had passed but now is back with more force because of coldof these last days and the snow and others .... And I'm sick! tired of the snot, cough and headache! * Cries *
desperate "Besides ... Accounting retest in a week, the teacher does not come on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the next, I have mono to see series of blade tip (I think Merlin will fall in soon), I will at once with Photo Frame and outstanding fics with urgency and nothing .... that ... it seems that lately I'm certainly balanced ....
-Although the themes of love and enter because the subject is depressed and that if you do not have balance even if he were at ground level .... ais. Guion
"You know I've fallen completely
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Wooden Fingerboards Under 10 Dollars
hope this ends soon because I do not know what whores do if no ...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
New Free Kates Playground
That is why my face in surprise when tear the paper and saw the wii was because total ... and more wii music also came in the pack (which incidentally is the total Despiporre xD fiddle with the command of the Wii is really descojonante xD)
But the best was when I got my little cousins to their gifts and go into my room and my first jump Mateo nothing but get in the door: "Where have the wii? "My face was WTF!? oO total. and me: "Matthew should not ask for your gifts before for my wii?" Very surreal all xD
is very geek We all xD is that a child has also brought the wii by kings and of course .. . had engaged since the unpack and plug. I had not yet out of the box in my room because I can not put, no other TV and plug it would be a roll but come on ... that the child fell off it until the Wii and plugged dining on TV xD Even though he was the comedy the whole family because we were playing xD My father, my cousin and I playing Wii stalks
xD And then the great moment when my cousin asked once shooting
Monday, January 5, 2009
Colored Plastic Bracelets Survey (I have nothing to do)
flower: black roses or tulips
most detested: Ahhh religion, politics and about whether it matters or not as ahhh dress better and I can not remember because I get stressed
Disney or Warner Brothers?: Warner Brothers.
Pets?: 3 dogs: Mia, Baloo and Kaiser
Friends: Carlitos, Rocha, Patty, Pamela, Nalle, Mario.
Special Friends: read the previous question
Male Ideal: John Petrucci xP
Female Ideal: Janinna Carpinteyro Luna (L)
many rings before you answer the phone & eacute; phone?: 1 is too Jaaj
Favorite movie: Interview with the Vampire
favorite CD?: Scenes from a Memory Dream Theater
Group or
you think when you wake up: Amm another moment About
maaasss scare you: Spiders!
If you could be someone else, who would you be?: No, it would be myself again CMLXC The most strawberry?: Patty
The more cultured?: Morggie, Ivan Cancer The most llorona?: Mario
you think about death: I do not
scary time you take to fix?: Ahhh for time ranges from 10 to 30 minutes depending on where and with whom haha
PLACE ELSE YOU LIKE TO GO: Any place where there are leaves and dice! good film
WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE IN YOUR LIFE: Money making much money and so many people happy, I'm not thinking that money is the basis of happiness, but let's face it, helps a lot
what season you like better: Winter.
WHO DO NOT NEVER FAIL: no ... I do not want to rely too
LETTER OR MAIL: Well, both are good options, but this mail is becoming obsolete
: no me warm color your
FAVORITE TOY: anime series Monkeys
FAVORITE IN A SALAD SEASONING: ranch dressing and garlic croutons
imo first Congratulations on your birthday?: Mario
time is it?: 11:55 pm
Clip In Hair Extensions For Bob Haircut 2009 .... do not start very well liked ...
As almost everyone has done their balance
If I had to set the 2008 I guess I would define as busy.
On the academic end of the race, or at least no longer I have to go to class because I still have unfinished business (namely 3), I was the top graduate scholarships and to adopt the second course (or what is the same I am a proud and superior technical protocol and ceremonial) and went from weekend trip to Malta career.
respect to travel to Malta, which was in April,me a great time with my classmates but since his return from Malta drag throat problems ... as cold and catch something I have tonsils you take a shit and I fill with pus or swollen or me something like that (so I catch the flu in December that still stays with me)
And speaking of travel ... in January I went to Segovia with my mother with the cultural association to which we are targeted and this year we could not go in April to Berlin (international travel we do every year) because there were no seats, but we get even stop in June to Cordoba, where I met my dear imoto Fati-chan-chan. And also down several times over the yeara Soria to see my uncle, specifically in April beforeribiendo and is one of the most special evenings I remember about this year. But it is not the only one who knew this year ^ ^ Because this year also went to my first hall of the sleeve to Barcelona! *.* Last year I could not go because I had an exam the day he would take the plane to go to Barnes and could not go T_T gave me a rage ... but this year I get even! ... This year that if I failed all my friends xD So I planted at my friend Lorraine and she took went to lie down with the backpack farga xD And there I found Nekoi with Chise with Malale with Naruko, with Chidori, with Dorianne with Nut, with the guys in the shop xD Skynet de Asturias (where I always buy xD) and I did have a pipe!
Template For Sc Driver's License Again
Monday January 5, 2009, 1:51 a.m.
Turning now parties rigor, click I dislike Christmas and New year's chaos, all Seems more quiet.
The days are rather boring here in Reynosa, Mario is just gone, and although it relieves a lot of time here, yet by the tedium times is to this rather ugly. That fucking asshole Facebook and bored me too, the roe fotolog is because, as nothing happens, there is nothing good