Saturday, March 28, 2009

Recommended For Anonymity A post hateful.

full Forgot my little internetero underworld, with the pain of my heart, the medical school and hospital are sucking me in a way that neither I expected it, but I really do not want to be complaining this, because that's what I chose.

Well, I have a wonderful boyfriend who supports me in everything. And that's all.


I hate being told what to do.

Fuck I hate about my hair.

hate to make comments about me. Hate

hear the shit I see every day on TV. Hate

kiss Mario when he ate salsa.

hate the new house for all the farts that has brought us.

I hate my mother sister worth what happens in the family.

hate to be the emotional pillar.

hate it because of my pediatrics rotation, I are like babies.

hate being afraid of the future.

hate Mario's family have opinions as closed.

hate my mom can not manage.

hate the food in the hospital cafeteria.

hate that everyone wants to see Watchmen.

stress hives hate to leave me in the legs.

Mario hate to see only once a week.

hate seeing my ex in the school.

learned that I hate them and I did not miss them if.

hate always being sleepy.

hate not knowing what to do social service.



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