Thursday, July 16, 2009

I-catcher Console – Web Monitorfarm Mr Smith goes to Whasington

Etrasa him and his companion are 3 or 4 waiters (I q so called) of color carrying luggage loaded to the eyebrows. For the characters that are on the scene as if it were invisible even have to go back and forth behind them carrying the suitcases. Though I admit q Capra had a more than great detail by one of the waiters q happens at the end of the burden leads to q q pq hires him can not but}: D if it was not discreet or just plan to claim skit. The only other color is the presence of a kid coming out in the final scenes and gives the impression that it is there because it looks nice.

The other thing that struck me is that, children. Not only because it is clear that even take to the Bill of Rightsof children, leaving many children working. In the same Capitol is a real gang of pages (they call them directly as well) that must be around only 10 or 12 years. That now call child abuse.

Although this is not what struck me most at first. Jimmy's character is an honest and innocent man very concerned about the education of new generations, literally (because it is) a boy scout. But it is more than clear that these new generations and their training relates exclusively to the children, girls? What girls? just leave a few in the family of the governor. In the rest of the scenes where they want to present as children and young people look up to Mr Smith are only and exclusively children, some of them


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