The truth is that it wanted to have risen yesterday, but of course I was tired, my neck ached and there was no plan to get worse rather cold or neck pain. As I had enough to go on Thursday afternoon at the practices that are completed on Tuesday but on Wednesday I start another and I see that for Friday I'll have too much labor to deliver T ^ T
This weekend has been shorter but not that bad at least during the day, the nights have been the worst-___-I'm really getting tired of several things and replantenadome others, partly because I think it would be better.
Better not think about that now is not good ^ ^ Also we should start the week with energy and spirit that on Friday a new acquisition & amp; gt; O \u0026lt;be agreed to take the money to buy the game, but I'll see if I can play because TOT things I have accumulated half the Dissidia: Final Fantasy, I just started Professor Layton and Pandora's box; and I have to buy the new DS Kingdom Hearts. Many games and soon-___-I want more free time T ^ T but nothing until December and then to study how God intended for the "two" final exams. That seems distant and close this = _ =
Luckily at that time also well good things like the third and final season of Nodame Cantabile anime and movie Hetalia * O * Speaking of Hetalia
, every day I am more flawed to the series and I can officially say that my favorite characters are Kirk Arthur
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