In five days I have two exams and I have yet to be studied as seriously xD. Peñaza documentation is a bit on some things and bibliography as you never know what the teacher ... (Mmm, now that I think is a good preview of what to expect when we will start working).
Anyway, lolitil fever has given me (and no hard ...) and I began to watch a lot of things. Surely to spend a couple of days and settle a bit all the things I've been reading I shall not entirely, but I'm getting used to the slow uptake that characterizes me. We
that less than I should know sall xD é.
And the rest ... I do not know. A couple of weeks I along with my group of friends and I feel a little isolated. I have wanted to hang out with Fukai lolitizar and Myssa, to laugh with everyone and have a bang! for example. I have wanted to spend time with people but I have little time ... As long as it was my turn or I'm too tired currar almost do not enjoy the group.
I know. Just one day make time (jai, what a joke). Need to be advanced.
And as my life is not really interesting because I think I'll leave it here for today.
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