Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots In Las Vegas

Makes a lot that I passed through here and in part I owe it all to this year was particularly strange. Could say that now I promise to spend more for here and that but it would not be true and I'm not the lying xD At least not for anything

xD Anyway, I finished the module ... or something like that because he has been one for December: FOL. That is and will be my most hated subject in the world. Because seriously, who really need to know so much about labor law, payroll and other finishes on request if you can always somewhere. Besides the teacher is so finicky that you take from a desire to do anything. Anybody can tell me that it will help me search for an agendajob where you put the ads that interest me about jobs? You're welcome! because I'll make it to class and I will not look back in life! And I know I am. I and half the world.
Anyway, to finish the case today called me first thing in the morning, I still half sobada I just called my father, and tells me that the exam is on December 15 that if I go submit, that if I have to study this and that and I have to give this work to take the exam. And see ... I can be a disaster and that but if you give it up for lost when you insinuate that I do not go well and that just need to do .... beautiful enough to pass directly to me do the exam in December . It pisses me off is that Jolines! Per
I have not gotten out and that ... and at home little more and I will take it for being such a disaster and that. So to see if it out everything before Christmas and I will be happier than a quail ^ ^ It informs and stuff.
In another order of things ... life is just boring around here. This to me was a contest of photography to use my new camera and not win (obviously xD), the summer I spend half from party to party and one in Malaga with two friends. So far this fall / winter has been making something monotomo as the only important thing and I went to the salon manga barcelona. Should make a chronic but at this point I chronicle of the three years I've gone and I do not know if it is worth it at this point xD To say that I have spent a little (lot), mand I have spent a little (very) well and work as zinesters (or assistant zinesters) I think it's interesting, right? Ah good, I have offered to make a fanzine writer ^ ^ Thing that has me super super happy scared shitless of way. Because seriously ... me doing a script for a comic? Not if I could. For now I have to watch the series, watching the couple called me and write the fic, then go to comic ... or else do not know what will. Let's see ... well, they say that life is made challenges, right?
And with this ends the summary of my boring life and it xD I've said it before ... can not promise that I pass by here more often but, well ... we'll see xD There are some little thing of which could speak and xD So Many besugus
dear f-list. It

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wedding Words In Tamil

Noeki stolen, the share of people in my friendlist if you want to do it. It is an application which marked the countries of the world you have visited. In my case I've seen says that only 3% of the world. It's actually less, since some countries have seen perhaps only one or several cities.

create your own visited country map or check
Our Venice travel guide

At least I can say that Spain, I have seen almost completely, there are very few provinces that have not visited.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Kinds Of Snacks During Movies Closed for repairs

During a good season for sure.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Miami Male Brazilian Wax Hello again, people of the world!

(In the Collegiate). In San Isidoro I've been several times on his own initiative with the school, so there I got a lot more clear (always a delight to see such a collection of manuscripts and incunabula again.) The Institute had not been and is a marvel. I love the collection of cuneiform tablets and I've blown away a lot with some of the pieces. If I have time next year (although many do not see clear) I'm in for a kitchen, which I love ^ ^ cuneiform

strongly recommend a visit to the Institute and an exhibition dedicated to Alexander the Great and religious itinerary. The pieces are a real gem.

And finally we went to dinner and a movie Iron Man. And now I have some Preacher! And the euro does nothing but fall ...

's been a lot of things, really. Me and my bipolar. That are not so inexplicable, only about a complex system of stomachs that ...

I can be a very strong at times, but very mediocre in others. Things can not be so difficult if we put a little on our part, right?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Templates Of Poster Science Log of MPSS

Intern Blog
Physician San Rafael, Galeana 2010-2011


It's been 3 months, I know, but it is never too late to start. 3 months ago
just give up all sorts of social life and benefits to become a MPSS, which means exactly, Medical Social Service Intern. Even begin to define such a concept seems so easy, but it really is not, and is that even if you want to sound whiny, really is impossible, so get ready my dear readers to enjoy the string more Long whining ever before.

As I said before, 3 months agocomes, to be exact, on 5 February 2010, but really all the stress began long before the choice of places, the wait outside the auditorium was near death, but the hysteria being observed in the screen that the venues closest and best located faded one by one, leaving for us the only mid-table crumbs. The time of entry, without having any idea it was going to do, completely disoriented was horrible, but some doctor approached me and said: "Galeana is very good, especially in San Rafael, have ambulance unit emergency and are 3 interns, plus they have Internet and cable " , well ... such as í not sound bad at all and to sign my sentence ...

Days passed, graduation, and finally came the day after a tedious course of induction me and Monica, my partner, gave us life azorrillada. Until that moment we knew that San Rafael, the glorious, was a town of passage along the road, of 3.000 inhabitants and full of slums and saloons where the truckers go where prostitution is rife, as well as innovative programs that met the government, whether they Seguro Popular, Opportunities, and others that depend on a host of useless paperwork, which obviously is doneor nothing more and nothing less than the trainees. One of the nights when we get together all trainees before leaving each person to the place we belonged, I remember the conversation with one of my contemporaries - Chingadamadre, When will we to stop being whores institution?, as were the whores MIPS University, as interns, we are the whores of Ministry of Health.

After the first night in San Rafael, the first encounter with what is now my other partner, Cristy, the intern who was already here 6 months. Flying, I get to watch. & Ikkesh first patient ...t, Erb's Palsy? Do not remember anything, it was as if my life had never studied medicine.
not remember the last time I cried so many nights in a row under the covers so I would not hear my new teammates, not counting start afresh in a new place,

But really you realize that the examina final volumes of the most horrible subjects have nothing to do with real life. For the first time in living a life depends on you and only you. Not only filled with the record and history, not only explore and give your opinion, that after this the doctor and tell you what to do. Here are just you and your head, q ue mine seemed to haveBia been in a coma the last 6 years and had just woken , it's amazing how ignorant can you get to feel.

course, did not have the beautiful people of San Rafael, not only are many, if not conflicting, they are also liars, who believe that coming here to be your cat for a Anoy have the obligation granting any whim that they please, of course pa 'my fleas just me, so that almost the second week I had gotten into trouble with a certain lady who gave no antibiotic for a simple flu, but of course, as they already have a thousand years of experience believe quand know more than you and have the luxury to imply that you are ignorant. They do not understand the reasons for them is what they believe. Not to mention control of diabetes and hypertension, in which people raise and lower the dose of medication as they please, but if something happens, then you're to blame because you are prescribed. Clearly not the same as telling him to take a pill to take 20.

Another cool feature of my health center, is the largest in the region, so the glorious health jurisdiction to hold 24-hour service, assuming that after 8 in the evening, attend emergencies only. Note that the dDefinition of the urgency for people of my village is "It's 3 am, and I can not sleep, so I'll screw the doctor with any bullshit" ... and there I have at 3 am taking runny noses and bumps on the tongue ... because poor me if I think the patient insinuate that this is not urgent and come in a more decent hour, because then follow the individual take the nearest phone to call me that her neighbor jurisdiccióny was near death and that I wanted it open, and for some unknown reason, always right in the eyes of whats superiors and the first change and you want to smear with a stranger.

You become an entity that never sleeps and eats very little and still like being seen with a smile on your face.
old know it sounds like whining, I know and I hate it, but somewhere I have to vent. And I can not generalize, because I've had people friendly and simple, he is really grateful for your work. For that minority, I actually returns a little faith in humanity and I am convinced that diaa days a year will pass soon and that it is worth continuing ...

Thanks for reading, I hope to update with my adventures more often.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What Are The Signs Of Stomach Failure


Until then:)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ewcm Before Menstruation

WAARP! Never occurs to me how to start a post ... But like any form is good now I'll start complaining. The truth is that the week has been up and down: an examination of archival (low, low) and the Japanese (High: 3). I have congratulated on the job and I'm like everyone else, stuck with the class. And the two assembly horazas let me witted.

this afternoon I told my boyfriend I'm disoriented. Do not know where my site or the association, in my group of friends. Just talked to Myssa and the rest as usual, every man for himself. But the truth is that I'm being a bit bloated balls (even though I have not) because we much from each other

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Days Since We've Been Together Pinky

How sad it is to make an entry to say you have nothing to tell. Sometimes life is very sad.

Tomorrow I have made examination hell. I've spent the week studying and even I could have done more (you can always get more) I am what you say to the hilt. And I do not remember things. Bieeeeen ...

In recent weeks I have learned a lot about lolimundo, but still in phase 5: data collection xD. No, the scientific method is not going to forget.

I have also learned to see things, that the imagination must be cultivated and a couple of gossip. Well, just one. And the glasses make me do

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Complete Set Of Armor Protection Of Salon

In five days I have two exams and I have yet to be studied as seriously xD. Peñaza documentation is a bit on some things and bibliography as you never know what the teacher ... (Mmm, now that I think is a good preview of what to expect when we will start working).

Anyway, lolitil fever has given me (and no hard ...) and I began to watch a lot of things. Surely to spend a couple of days and settle a bit all the things I've been reading I shall not entirely, but I'm getting used to the slow uptake that characterizes me. We

that less than I should know sall xD é.

And the rest ... I do not know. A couple of weeks I along with my group of friends and I feel a little isolated. I have wanted to hang out with Fukai lolitizar and Myssa, to laugh with everyone and have a bang! for example. I have wanted to spend time with people but I have little time ... As long as it was my turn or I'm too tired currar almost do not enjoy the group.


I know. Just one day make time (jai, what a joke). Need to be advanced.

And as my life is not really interesting because I think I'll leave it here for today.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Milena Velba Filmografia Ties

Three years ago I dreamed of fairies, angels and fairy tales. Would have given anything to be Alice falls down the rabbit hole and discover another world. Believe in other worlds has always been my way out of what I like and I've never been too brave.

Two years ago I daydreamed without paying much attention to what was happening around me.

A year ago I was not even me. A year ago, should not exist.

a while ago I was studying and watching the fairies that I have yet in the room. Reflect the purity and innocence that I've always loved