Thursday, December 20, 2007

Gay Cruising Places In Abudhabi

I've been reading the last chapter of Naruto (382). Well, as not even handle this too well, if you wish to unveil the final stop reading .....

Anyway, as I was saying ... I was reading the last chapter of Naruto and wanted to comment on (that's why I have a diary, right??) The first thing is cute ... but that comes pretty Yondaime and Naruto's mom (requeteconfirmado that Naruto is Yondi superpapá). The scene in which the foot is seen from the angle of the mother, through the belly of reminded me both when I had that perspective (ains)
And the other thing is the end of the chapter. I spoke with Gossa not long ago when a character goes by a flashback of sor youth, this palmerón. So let Jiraiya saying goodbye to the good because this does not come out alive.

Let's add a point to ma teroría that heterosexuals have no place in the world of Naruto, because Mr. Kishimoto is very very dirty mind and every time you make a character straight, will last as long as Wii at the door of a school (that the candy and it is unusual). So Shika, or sandals with your friend you Choji or bad .... I see you'll be the next to go ......


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