Friday, December 25, 2009

How To Make Ballet Shoes From Sugar Paste ^ 0 ^

Merry Christmas and rainy from Cadiz!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Best 1080p Upconverting Receiver

addition, in recent days did not even know people who have stopped to talk with me about silly things like snow but only books that makes believing in a world ma , s kind easier.

Believe ... It's amazing how things change in the people think. Or wishful thinking.

The world remains the same even if we change ...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snowboard Flow Edinburgh

Yesterday afternoon I went to Barcelona Musical Theatre to see the musical Beauty and the Beast, my favorite Disney movie.

The musical began just fascinated me hit me really scared, because the first appearance of the Beast I was waiting rather good that I did not expect to do as he did. I also laughed a lot throughout the musical, mostly by two things over the beating he received Lefou all the time but in the end there if I laughed, and the second by Din Dong fights and Lumiere do not know because my fujoshi evil mind made me see things I should not see beyond it clear that reminded me each time the x Arthur Francis.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ikusa Otome Suvia Vol.3

ute, to the work of English history is a PeƱaza and found a webcomic about library ^ ^. I always go. Lately I've become

scribbling. I never knew that I draw like puppets (puppets monkey, of course). Also, I have really wanted to write something. I wish I sprouted an idea of an evening and leave me a nice relatillo. I like to give stories. Come to think of a few years ago I gave one to my current boyfriend by the face. Mmm ... I have to collect it.

My memory is terrible for a while. Before I remembered every detail, every important date, every sentence. He played at remembering them. Now ... I'm a mess. I