Monday, February 7, 2011

Victoria Beckham Cesarean General Rapunzel, now if you really

Well, although much will mostly be madness spoilers, so only if you have seen, can

First of all a declaration, I have favorite disney princess: D

Not that the other had suddenly fallen ill, but not I had a predilection. If I like it from breeding bell, but no fairy princess

XD And finally, besides what I already mentioned that Rapunzel is short *___* has many more things that I identify with, and not talking about eyes clear, it also enjoys drawing, cooking, going barefoot, chameleons, have freckles! ^ 0 ^ and even if nonsense uses colors that I like, lilita, yellow, etc.

About the movie itself is pretty funny as I imagined. The classic taleRapunzel does not have plenty to shoot, so it's normal that they adapted completely and they have left us badly. The plot for the most part holds, but I have to admit many impossible stunts like you let yourself fool.

protos like them and are friendly. In my more her than him. I'm not a fan of Hustler rogue profile, but it is nice. Although I would have preferred to see more of Eugene's Flyn.

The "animals" great companions. In case I have always liked chameleons and Pascal's own self. Maximus I'm not sure if a horse seems to have q genes much more, that or the horse of a demigod, because you certainly lives up to its name. That horse is the max! CH
TMLXC Although what I like most animals that follow the line that no longer speak. Thank goodness. I wish that neither sing, that already makes me weird and it breaks my rhythm. I liked the Tarzan and Brother Bear where the characters do not sing. And I'ma person who likes musicals.

Do not get me forget the scenes of the lights was pretty nice.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Naruto Shippuden Gifs

Not posting to talk about that I found the film Rapunzel. I could not, not premiere here until 4 February. Anyway, one begins to see some scenes and I think I might like. So much for objective reasons, looks good, and subjective.

To explain this last one I have to talk about one of my friends. The oldest of them, I know from 3 years. Love her, but my friend has some quirks, including people hair and blue eyes. Not for me, as I said decades we are still friends, but rather the "blondes" in general and what is supposed to be associated with it.

remember when I started in l
TMLXC to paraphrase my friend it was time ....¡ bucking! We are a forgotten group

Saturday, January 1, 2011

White Bump On Lip Piercing New Year new mobile "?

First of all congratulations to all the new year, and did not want to miss the opportunity to post the 1 of 1 of 11: D

So far in 2011 has brought me good morning with enough time to go walking, a very tasty lunch and it seems that the safest death of my phone: (

night was starting to send the barrage of sms, traditional, and begin to fail the screen. now only half works, which likes it or not q I will be seeking for a substitute. That part is because I personally do not want all the models that are currently in stores seem a horror.

Mi, and dying, the Motorola U6 mobile phone, particularly in this color
http : / /

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots In Las Vegas

Makes a lot that I passed through here and in part I owe it all to this year was particularly strange. Could say that now I promise to spend more for here and that but it would not be true and I'm not the lying xD At least not for anything

xD Anyway, I finished the module ... or something like that because he has been one for December: FOL. That is and will be my most hated subject in the world. Because seriously, who really need to know so much about labor law, payroll and other finishes on request if you can always somewhere. Besides the teacher is so finicky that you take from a desire to do anything. Anybody can tell me that it will help me search for an agendajob where you put the ads that interest me about jobs? You're welcome! because I'll make it to class and I will not look back in life! And I know I am. I and half the world.
Anyway, to finish the case today called me first thing in the morning, I still half sobada I just called my father, and tells me that the exam is on December 15 that if I go submit, that if I have to study this and that and I have to give this work to take the exam. And see ... I can be a disaster and that but if you give it up for lost when you insinuate that I do not go well and that just need to do .... beautiful enough to pass directly to me do the exam in December . It pisses me off is that Jolines! Per
I have not gotten out and that ... and at home little more and I will take it for being such a disaster and that. So to see if it out everything before Christmas and I will be happier than a quail ^ ^ It informs and stuff.
In another order of things ... life is just boring around here. This to me was a contest of photography to use my new camera and not win (obviously xD), the summer I spend half from party to party and one in Malaga with two friends. So far this fall / winter has been making something monotomo as the only important thing and I went to the salon manga barcelona. Should make a chronic but at this point I chronicle of the three years I've gone and I do not know if it is worth it at this point xD To say that I have spent a little (lot), mand I have spent a little (very) well and work as zinesters (or assistant zinesters) I think it's interesting, right? Ah good, I have offered to make a fanzine writer ^ ^ Thing that has me super super happy scared shitless of way. Because seriously ... me doing a script for a comic? Not if I could. For now I have to watch the series, watching the couple called me and write the fic, then go to comic ... or else do not know what will. Let's see ... well, they say that life is made challenges, right?
And with this ends the summary of my boring life and it xD I've said it before ... can not promise that I pass by here more often but, well ... we'll see xD There are some little thing of which could speak and xD So Many besugus
dear f-list. It